Conrad M. Walther

Partner / Dr. iur., Rechtsanwalt

Conrad Walther has many years of experience in the assessment of complex tax matters and his practice focuses on tax law (private individuals and legal entities, both in Switzerland and internationally) and company and economic law, providing both advice and litigation. He uses his experience as a member of administrative boards and in various managerial positions in particular when advising SMEs and private individuals in the fields of succession planning (including restructuring), inheritance law, contract law, obligation law and company law.


2003 Founding partner of Schärer Rechtsanwälte
1991 Partner at law and notary firm in Aarau
1987 University of Bern (Dr. iur.)
1985–1988 Tax authority of the Canton of Aargau (Legal service and Head of legal service)
1985 Bar admission
1983–1984 Tax authority of the Canton of Aargau / Zofingen District Court
1982 University of Bern (lic. iur.)
1993/2005 President of the Oberentfelden Finance Committee
1991–present Member of the administrative board in various small and medium-sized companies Co-author of “Kommentar zum Aargauer Steuergesetz”


German, English, French, Italian


Bar registration at all Swiss courts


Corporate and M&A, tax law


Co-author of “Kommentar zum Aargauer Steuergesetz”, 3rd edition, Muri-Bern 2009

“Zur Rechtsanwendung wertungsbedürftiger Minderheitsschutznormen im schweizerischen Aktienrecht”, Thesis, Zürich 1987